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ALLAH SWT-- tough; weak; strong; have a dream; have a choice; love a laugh; have a great family; have nice friends; have an ugly cat; pink; blue; beautiful colour; rain drops; sunshine; accounting; writting; STITCH; Fido Dido; and much more

Jumat, 07 Maret 2014


Tense is a method that we use in English to refer to time - past, present and future. There are 3 kind of tenses: Past, Present, and future. There are 3 form of tenses: Simple, Progessive/ Continuous, and perfect. The function:
Simple present tense                           gives expression to :
- a repeated action that often, sometimes ... happens, but not to an action that is happening at the moment (see "present progressive").

Simple past tense                                gives expression to an action that started in the past and finished in the past.

Simple future tense                            gives expression to an action that will take place in the future, to a spontaneous decision and/or, to an action that can't be planned (e.g. weather).

Present continuous tense                    gives expression to an action that is going on at the moment, to an action that is planned to happen at a certain date in the future.

Past continuous tense                         gives expression to apparently continuous uninterrupted actions in the past (perhaps suddenly interrupted by an action in "simple past")

Present perfect tense                          gives expression to an action that started in the past and goes on in the present.

Past perfect tense                               gives expression to an action which started in the past and ended before another action in the past started.
The following is example of tenses :


Thank you very much for the owners of blog who help me indirectly.

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